1 - 10 of 13 total results for Albania
Rewind 50 years and Albania was completely shut off to the rest of the world. Rewind 20 years and Albania was a war zone. Rewind five years and Albania was an unknown oasis, mostly ignored by forei...
Albania has witnessed some dramatic social and political changes over the last two decade, however the resilience and resourcefulness of the people have seen the country pick itself up after the do...
The climate varies widely in Albania depending on where you are. The coastal area enjoys Mediterranean conditions, with mild, wet winters and warm, dry summers. Because of the warm maritime air fro...
It is a measure of Albania’s national pride that the country’s festival calendar is geared towards showcasing its traditional arts and crafts scene. Indeed, performing arts are important to Albania...
Given the brief time since Albania moved from a communist economy to a free market, it is surprising how well regarded it is for commercialism, with Tirana at its helm. Those who would like to devo...
Albania Taxis and Car Rental Even thought Tirana is walkable for the most part, tourists might need to call a taxi for transport. Almost invariably Mercedes-Benz models of all ages and states of re...
Mother Teresa International Airport Mother Teresa International Airport is Albania’s only airport - domestic or international - and is located 16 miles (26kms) to the northwest of Tirana. The premi...
Sometimes prices will be written in old leks, which contain one extra zero. This is normal, and the actual price will be less If a local offers you a drink - or even to pay for your meal - you shou...
Albania is not yet part of the European Union (EU), so EU citizens are required to show their passports to enter. No visa is required for EU passport holders and citizens of some other countries. T...
Considered for generations the most insular, mysterious, and secretive nation in Europe, Albania has broken away from its troubled past and charms visitors with its openness, accessibility, and won...