jasdip by Behan via Flickr Creative Commons

When it comes to things to do in Papua New Guinea, the country’s beautiful natural landscape is usually at the forefront of activities. Stunning, untouched stretches of rainforest, coral reefs, and rolling hills make PNG the ideal traveler destination. Scuba diving has developed into an important money-making industry in the country. The archipelago’s impressive underwater treasures are home to hundreds of fish species, rainbow coral tinting, and very accessible dive sites. There are plenty of places around the country to enjoy a scuba diving adventure.

Of course, Papua New Guinea’s highland region is home to some of the most pristine rainforests and mountains in the Pacific Rim, and hiking is the best way to see them. Some of the tracks here are world-famous, while others are less known but still worthy of the same status.

All tourists visiting PNG should not miss the chance to go scuba diving. The country is blessed with a tropical climate, perfect for the thriving population of reefs. Plenty of local operators, who link with a variety of travel agents around the globe, offer diving excursions at great rates. One such company is Papua New Guinea Travel. PNG is famous for both its natural and artificial dive sites, the latter of which have grown out of submerged aircraft and ships from WWII.

Bird watching is a popular pastime in Papua New Guinea. The country boasts some of the most amazing bird species in the world, known as the ‘Birds of Paradise’. More than 700 species are found on the island nation. PNG Holidays provides fantastic travel packages that include bird watching tours. Binoculars are available, and recommended.

PNG is also a premier destination for trekking, as tourists can explore a range of different landscapes and environments while hiking around the country. Spectacular mountains, luscious rainforests, and phenomenal coastal lowlands can all be explored on PNG’s many hiking and trekking trails. The Kokoda Trail is one of the most famous and arduous hiking trails in the world. Papua Trekking runs tours that encompass this challenging activity.

Fishing has taken the country by storm over the last decade, reeling in a plethora of enthusiasts from around the globe. Fishing tours, which include both on-shore fishing possibilities and charter boat fishing activities, can be organized via Sport Fishing PNG. The Black Bass, one of the more challenging fish to snag, alone brings thousands to PNG each year.

Although it isn’t a well-known activity, flightseeing has become one of Papua New Guinea’s most loved pastimes. PNG is home to some of the world’s scariest yet fascinating air strips, and it is now possible to tour these locations by air, giving tourists a hair-raising experience of a lifetime. When landing or taking-off at Ononge or Fane, tourists will see why these strips are said to be among the most-dangerous in Papua New Guinea. Talk to Tours.com to find out more, but remember that this is not an activity for the faint hearted.

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