Photo Credit: Daniel Greer

Citizens of the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and many other western countries require a visa to enter Vietnam. Americans can obtain a 30-day visa from the embassy in Washington, DC, for about US $90, which takes up to seven days to process. For more information, visit Nationals of other countries should visit their home country’s embassy or consulate.

Health and Safety

There are no vaccinations required to enter Vietnam unless you have recently visited a country with a yellow fever epidemic in which case, proof of inoculation is necessary. Malaria, dengue fever, and Japanese encephalitis are all present in rural areas so malaria preventative medication, vaccination against Japanese encephalitis, and insect repellant should be considered. Other recommended shots include typhoid, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, meningitis, and rabies. It is also important that other standard vaccinations such as tetanus are up to date.

Vietnam is generally safe for travelers, with a low crime rate. Pick pocketing is common in the large cities, as is purse snatching by motorbike. When walking or riding, keep your bag close to your chest and don’t have any jewelry, camera or a cell phone that could easily be grabbed. Theft on beaches is also common so remember not to leave your bag unattended.

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