Reflective of their culture, Bali holidays are focused on spirituality and celebrating life. They contain elements of tribal heritage, religion, food, and fun.

Balispirit Festival

Held annually in March, the Balispirit Festival is one of the top five yoga events in the world. Rejuvenate with over 100 health and wellness workshops, nighttime concerts, healing arts, an eco-market, and more. The goal is to awaken your potential for positive change within yourself and in your greater community.

Hari Raya Nyepi Tahun Baru Caka 1943

The Balinese New Year is called icaka New Year and is honored with a day of total silence on the island. No activity, no traffic and no fires may be lit for a full 24 hours to symbolize purification. Sacrificial rites are held the day before to exorcize evil spirits and bring positivity into the upcoming year.

Hari Raya Pagerwesi

A Galungan holiday in November, the name of this ceremonial day literally translates to “iron fence,” for a day of protection through prayers for mental strength.

Hari Raya Saraswati

A Hindu event celebrated every 210 days, time is devoted to God’s Manifestation as Dewi Saraswati, the beautiful Goddess of Knowledge, Art and Literature. Books are blessed and special offerings are made. Children dress in costumes and no one is allowed to read or write.

Bali Arts Festival

Growing in popularity every year, the Bali Arts Festival is a month-long event in June/July full of daily performances, handicrafts and culture. It is a celebration of dance, music and crafts. On display are trances from remote mountain areas, food and offering contests, classical palace dances, “kreasi baru” (new creations) from dance schools in Denpasar, and contemporary choreography.

Bali Kite Festival

The Bali Kite Festival is an internationally renowned event that is celebrated in July at Sanur Beach. Each village competes with their own creation flown by a team of 10 in hopes of impressing the Hindu harvest gods to a background of orchestra music.