Congo Ocean railway Photo by jbdodane via Flickr Creative Commons

Australian, EU, British, Canadian, and US nationals need a visa to enter the Republic of the Congo. Applications should be filed prior to arrival, as you cannot get one from the airport. You may apply for a Congolese visa at the local embassy. A certification for yellow fever vaccination is also required to enter the country.

Health and Safety

Travelers must have yellow fever certification, and are advised to also be immunized for hepatitis B and meningococcal A and C. Malaria is also a risk, which is why preventive medication should be taken every day while journeying through the Congo. Medical care is basic and substandard. Hospitals lack supplies, modern equipment and well trained physicians and nurses, thus a comprehensive health and travel insurance policy is essential.

Petty street criminals rarely target foreigners, but extra caution and common sense never hurt. The only real threats to safety are possible public demonstrations against the government.

Click here to learn about History and Culture in the Congo