Massif du Mayombe Photo by jbdodane via Flickr Creative Commons

Finally open to the world, Congo-Brazzaville attracts visitors from all corners of the earth thanks to its pleasant climate, lush forests and untamed jungles filled with unique species of wildlife. The country also boasts spectacular historic highlights that show its culture and colorful past. Nature may be the main theme of most tours around the Congo, but for history enthusiasts, exploring the ancient villages and age-old structures can be very rewarding. The forests are home to native tribal groups who have managed to maintain their ethnic traditions. Active travelers will enjoy Pointe Noire, where there are many things to do on the water, including fishing.

Tourists who go to Congo typically have nature trips and wildlife watching in mind. Odzala National Park is an ecotourism paradise that is home to gorillas, monkeys, lions, hyenas, leopards, and fascinating bird species. Congo Gorilla Tours specializes in visits to various Central African primate destinations.

Congo is also home to some of the oldest parks in Africa, all of which offer spectacular walking trails for trekking and multi-day hikes. Some forests run into beautiful savannahs decorated by high-rise trees and unique flora and fauna. Jungle explorations are rewarding, but require careful planning. Consider seeking out the help of local tour operators like Congo and Central Africa Wildlife Holiday.

During the dry season, mountain biking is quite popular when jungle trails and forests become free of fog. Those who like the water can take on the waves of Pointe Noire’s beach, which is a popular surfing and hang-gliding destination. Whitewater rafting and waterskiing are also favorite pastimes on the rivers, especially the Congo rapids. Those who want a more laidback experience may also try freshwater fishing in Lac Bleu.

History buffs will enjoy city tours, as well as exploring ancient villages. Old churches, museums, gardens and colorful markets offering exciting shopping throughout various towns. The Congo Basin Tours offers wild nature expeditions, as well as tours of royal museums and historic sites.

Click here to learn about Attractions in the Congo