Fishing Licenses

Many locations around the world, particularly U.S. states, require a fishing license. Generally these are just a small certificate that can be bought at any fishing supply or bait store for a small fee that goes towards preserving fishing areas.

Restricted Waters

Many nations have protected waters and marine reserves where fishing is illegal in order to allow species to reproduce and to protect rare fish and marine life. Fines are extremely high in most cases. Usually the areas are well marked, but you should check out a local map anyway to be sure. You should not even think about fishing here.

Keep it or Throw it Back?

Many fishermen debate on whether to keep a fish or throw it back. Many want to keep their fish in order to eat it. Others want to keep their biggest catch to put on the wall. Many others fish simply for sport and have no desire to keep the fish and immediately release the fish. In most cases the choice is completely yours, although some restrictions do apply. Some waters are restricted to only catch and release, while others have certain rules to follow. If a fish is pregnant or extremely young, it is best to throw it back. Some species of fish at certain lengths, either too large or too small, must be released as well.


The weather in many tropical destinations is often extremely hot and sticky. Rain can last for weeks and even during dry seasons a strong bout of rain can occur, therefore waterproof and easy drying clothing is a good idea. Protection from the sun in the form of hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen are important in most rainforest locations, particularly those where you will be in rivers and lagoons. Cold fronts in many tropical destinations can occur on occasion, although these can be relatively rare.

Food and Water

When traveling in a strange country eating strange foods and the chance to drink unfiltered water is quite common, as are certain ailments. Medicines to counter these travel illnesses are recommended such as antibiotics and diarrhea medicine. Only drink bottled water in tropical areas, as the chance for cholera and water borne diseases is still high in many tropical countries. If you cannot get bottled water or want to cut down on your plastic bottle waste try iodine tablets, purifying drops, or water filters.


In many of the world’s best fishing destinations are in rivers and lakes that are surrounded by dense forests where insects and especially mosquitoes are everywhere. Diseases, not to mention annoying bites, result from these winged creatures and in tropical areas protection/vaccinations for malaria and yellow fever may be necessary. In Brazil you can’t even enter the country or get a visa without a yellow fever vaccination. To combat malaria there are several things you can do. Malaria tablets such as doxycycline or mefloquine are recommended to prevent the sickness, although you need to check which pill works in which part of the world as some mosquitoes are resistant to some medicines. The best protection against malaria though is basic protection against mosquitoes such as bug spray (best with DEET), mosquito nets, wearing long sleeves, mosquito coils, and the countless other remedies.