Everyone who visits the United States needs to have their travel visa arranged before arrival. It is recommended to check with the nearest US embassy concerning regulations for your country. The Bureau of Consular Affairs is also a useful source of current travel information.

Health and Safety

Louisiana has its share of health issues to consider when traveling around the state. Much of the outdoor recreation is centered around the bayous or swamps, and these watery areas are full of potentially dangerous creatures like venomous snakes, spiders and alligators. If you're keen on exploring off-the-beaten path, go with an experienced guide. The heat and humidity can also be an issue during the summer months. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and watch your sun exposure. It is also worth noting that Louisiana is prone to serious hurricanes, which typically hit between late August and September. Travelers should also get vaccinated for hepatitis A and B because eating seafood is one of the pleasures of the state, but you can’t always count on the restaurant’s hygiene standards.

There is also a notable level of crime in Louisiana, particularly violence, which is mainly concentrated in the larger cities like New Orleans and Baton Rouge. Visitors are advised to keep their wits about them when venturing anywhere in the state. New Orleans has a deserved reputation for trouble, so be extra careful when walking around and drinking in the French Quarter late at night. Take taxis whenever possible to avoid becoming the inadvertent victim of a random street crime. Theft is also a problem in New Orleans so don’t leave anything of value in your car or hotel room. Use the hotel safe and only carry enough cash for the occasion.