Visas are not required from nationals of Australia, the UK, Canada, the USA, or the EU for a total of 90 days within a six-month period as long as proof of travel insurance and evidence of sufficient funds for the trip are provided.

Health and Safety

The healthcare system in Estonia is very reliable should you require emergency medical attention while traveling. Health insurance is required to visit the country. Vaccinations against tuberculosis, tick-borne encephalitis and hepatitis B are recommended. The country also has the second highest rate of HIV/AIDS in Europe. Should you be faced with an emergency, dial 112 for assistance or the police can be reached at 110.

Safety is not an issue, though tourists are sometimes the target of pickpockets. While the main attractions and the old town in Tallin are closely patrolled by the police, a little vigilance wouldn’t hurt. Drunk driving is a major problem in Estonia despite zero-tolerance laws, so be careful when crossing the street or when driving. A new law requires pedestrians to wear a small reflector pin to help motorists see them on the streets especially when there’s low visibility in the winter months.

Estonians are not very open to strangers and are unlikely to approach a traveler on their own, so watch your belongings and remain on guard should someone on the street suddenly engage you for small talk.