Macau pretty much has the same weather as Hong Kong, which is humid sub-tropical. The average humidity levels throughout the year hover between 70 and 90 percent. The island can get badly hit by monsoons and typhoons, especially between May and August and typhoon warnings should be taken seriously. The hottest time of the year is between July and September, when temperatures range from 78°F to 89°F. The coolest months are between November and January, when Macau sees the least amount of rainfall. Weather at this time can range from 54°F to 67°F.

Best Time to Visit Macau

From a climate and humidity stand-point, October to December is the best time to visit Macau. During these months, temperatures can fall as low as 55°F at night and hover around 70°F during the day. However, the hotels and shopping malls are always heavily air-conditioned, so it is easy to escape the heat, even when traveling during the high summer months. Avoid coming during Chinese New Year when most establishments become overwhelmed with local visitors.