Photo Credit: Brent Pearson

Travel clubs have long been the rage, but that usually means some form of time-share, property exchange, or lodging buy in. OneGo is trying to be the game changer. The first subscription based app to offer unlimited flights across a variety of major carriers for a flat monthly fee, it’s the ultimate club for perma-jetsetters -- the uber of the skies.

Currently only available for domestic flights within the U.S., packages are offered for routes nationwide ($2950), western states ($1500), central ($1950), and east coast ($2300). They service 76 airports with 700+ routes to both the biggest and tiniest airports on all major carriers (United, Delta, America).

If you do the math, it’s likely not cheaper than paying per ticket, especially if you’re used to playing the discount fare game. Targeted primary at business travelers looking to eliminate price fluctuation and take the hassle out of ticket booking, you’re paying for convenience without commitment.

In digging in to the frequently asked questions, there are also a few catches that make it not quite as straightforward as it seems. Currently, with each month you pay in advance, you can have up to four open reservations at a time with the option to add more via add-ons. Reservations must be made at least seven days in advance, with extra fees for last minute bookings, unlimited changes, and other extras.

Whether or not you think it’s worth the price, it is an extremely interesting concept and one that’ll be intriguing to see if they take internationally. Then, I’d be interested in talking.