When deciding where to go in France, connoisseurs of fine wine are sure to have Bordeaux on their travel bucket lists. This amazing region in the southwestern region of the country is a fantastic destination for everything grape-related and a must-see for all individuals visiting the European nation.

Bordeaux is widely regarded as the world’s premier wine country and for good reason. According to the World Wine Institute, more than 17 percent of the bottles produced each year come from France, the majority of which originate in Bordeaux. This region is home to nearly 300,000 acres of vineyards growing multiple varieties of foreign and domestic grapes. The most popular include Cabernet Sauvignon, Grenache, Ugni Blanc, Syrah and Carignan.

Individuals visiting Bordeaux may wish to take a themed tour of the region in order to really take in and appreciate its natural beauty and incredible bounty. There are many different types of day trips that travelers can embark upon, though, of course, wine-related tours are the most prevalent and popular. Many visitors recommend that individuals join a chateau tour while in Bordeaux, which will take travelers past the most important and beautiful vineyards and sights. As there are more than 12,000 wine-producing chateaux in the region, it is smart to embark upon any exploration with a guide in order to ensure that travelers have the most satisfying experience possible.

Whether travelers consider themselves wine experts or are simply dipping their toes into the grape world, a trip to Ecole du Vin is sure to appeal to all individuals visiting Bordeaux. This institution is located in the town’s downtown area within the Maison du Vin de Bordeaux, or Bordeaux House of Wine. Here, one can enroll in a multitude of courses and classes that will teach them more about the world of wine. Visitors can choose to take a short two-hour lesson on tasting and identifying specific flavor notes or sign up for an intensive three-day program through the Grand Crus Classes of Bordeaux where they will learn everything they could possibly want to know about the history, culture and production of this delicious beverage.

In addition to its incredible vineyards and beautiful chateaux, Bordeaux has many other amazing cultural sites that individuals on vacation may wish to explore. Travelers should be sure to take a walk around the center of town in between wine tours to take in some of the beautiful architecture.