Photo Credit: Wacky Toyo Boy Borj

Bahrain Taxis and Car Rentals

While all the international car rental companies are represented at Bahrain International Airport, there is little need for most travelers to seek their services. The island’s small size means that taxis are the best form of transportation, and they are in abundance all around Manama.

Most taxis can be hailed on the street, but there are some private radio operators available for dispatch. London Cabs (+973-1746-1746) does exactly what you would expect and runs a fleet of British-style taxis. SMS Radio-Meter Taxis (+973-1768-2999) is the oldest and one of the most trusted services, while Bahrain Taxi Online (+973-3666-8614) promises 10-minute pick-ups.

If you struggle to find a cab on the side of the road, Plan B should be to find the nearest hotel, where there will usually be one or two taxis waiting nearby. Even if you see a meter, it is probably only for decorative purposes, and you will likely have to negotiate a rate with the driver before departing.

Bahrain Trains and Buses

Because of the shifting sands of the deserts across the region, there are no railways in the Gulf. Some buses operate from the international bus terminal in Manama with the most regular service running between the capital and the Saudi city of Dammam, where passengers can connect to Riyadh and Qatar. Daily service also runs from Manama to Amman in Jordan, Damascus in Syria, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah in the UAE, and Dubai. Bear in mind that non-Saudi residents will require a transit visa for all bus services out of Bahrain though.

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